This morning was busy here at the house as SCA Garb and other items that were to be mailed home in lieu of lugging through England were set aside in various rooms and boxes that were available were filled. With the traveling ahead of them, we opted to feed our guests pancakes and lil' smokies for breakfast as this is one of David and my favorite ways to start a leisurely day in which we'll need breakfast to stay with us. We added to our normally filling breakfast some of the scones, clotted cream and jam that had been picked up along the way so that our guests could enjoy another "English treat".
Once breakfast was finished and the dishes were in the dishwasher it was time to get moving. First stop was the mobile phone store where my phone had returned from being repaired. It was Michka's hope that they could pick up a disposable phone at the same location but unfortunately the store was all out of those types of phones and plans; so they referred us to the Orange store nearby where Michka was able to get a pink phone - very hip - although David was disappointed that the Racoon plan was not available.
Communication in hand, we headed over to Forbidden Planet. This was my first trip to this iconic store and I'll admit I had no idea what I had in store to see. Wow. This place is amazingly full of all sorts of goodies for Science Fiction affictionatos, Comic Book Fans and Role Playing game types. Both couples were picking up things, putting them in the basket and carrying them around the store only to look at the overfull basket at the end and decide that some things had to go back on the shelf. In the end, David and I opted for the Doctor Who Electric Screw Driver / Laser Tag set which have provided us much entertainment around the home office.
Well, it ws enevitable . . our guests had to leave and we couldn't put off their departure any longer especially since they were going to need to catch the Doctor Who exhibition in London. So we dropped them off at Bristol Temple Meads train station and said our goodbyes. On the plus side, I'll get to see them in a month or so when I head home for a bit.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Exploration is the Name of the Game
We started our morning with an English Breakfast in the Falcon Hotel's restaurant. Our bodies fortified for the day ahead we decided to explore Stratford a bit before heading out. As we wandered away from the hotel we looked back, once more appreciating it's history.
We wandered the shopping district and wondered at the crowds. After we walked a bit further we found that they were having some sort of marathon run through City Center. We passed quickly through the crowds and further into the shopping district where we found that Edinbourogh Woolen Mill was having a sale. Janna, with prodding by her husband, selected something really nice to wear for work. I eyeballed a few sweaters and such but decided to take a pass on them .. for now.
As we wandered back to where the vehicle was parked we went past the main Theatre which is currently under remodel. As we looked at the pictures of the way the theater is to look when it is complete, we decided that we all wanted to be one of the faces sitting in the new theater in the future.
As we walked through the park we admired the Swan and he came right up to us as if to beg for something to eat.
Which of course we didn't have anything so he left rather perturbed.
Although we could have easily spent the day just appreciating the beauty of Stratford we had much more to do and see today so we headed back to the hotel and checked out and hit the road headed for Wales and more specifically Hay-on-Wye.
Once again David had timed it so that we only had a couple of hours to shop before the stores closed which was probably easier on all of our pocketbooks. Michka was on a mission for books and Janna and I headed to antique stores looking for Willow-ware. I want to thank Janna for teaching me about the differences in pattern and style and a variety of other aspects that I previously was completely unaware of in regard for Willow-ware. Armed with a better understanding of what we were looking for, Janna and I were able to look relatively quickly through the shops to maximize our time. I'll admit that I know Michka found books but I don't know if he considered his portion of the trip a true success . . however I do know that Janna found a couple of really unique pieces of the willow-ware and seemed satisfied with her purchases. Now there was the debate of whether to carry them home on the plane or ship them back. For the record, they opted for shipping which made things interesting as once piece was the largest platter I've ever seen but it all worked out well and good and the pieces arrived at their home shortly after their flight back all in tact.
The shops closing and our English Breakfast starting to wear thin, we opted for lunch at the Grainery Cafe. Now I say lunch, but it was actually closer to dinner, but the meal consisted of sandwiches and soups so it was more consistent with a luncheon fare. Stomachs once again full, we headed out of Hay-on-Wye toward Cardiff.
First stop in Cardiff was the Doctor Who exhibition . . which unfortunately had decided that week to be closed for renovation.
The exhibition was dark which was extremely disappointing and the chant for the rest of the night became "We were screwed by Doctor Who".
While the renovation occurred they placed a few Daleks out front to keep watch but amazingly enough they look much bigger on TV.
We finished our time in Cardiff wandering the Torchwood site and the harbor area.
Although there were several restaurants that beckoned us on the harbor we opted for fish and chips from Fairbanks here in Winterbourne. As we reflected on the day over our fish and chips several of us decided that ice cream sounded like a good way to finish the day and drown our disappointment in the lack of Doctor Who experienced in Cardiff.
David handed me the keys and Michka and Janna climbed into the truck with me to head for Morrisons near the mall. Typical of me, I missed my turn and quickly found myself lost. After attempting correction with BB we opted for calling David for directions. While David was attempting to figure out where we were from the description and provide detailed directions to get us back where we needed to be I suddenly recognised where we were and turned off into the Sainsbury (near David's work). We picked up the ice cream and Michka took a tour through the toy department, opting to pick up some Doctor Who toys and off we went back home.
I felt slightly disappointed as I realized that this was our last full day with Michka & Janna. But we still had things to do in the morning so off for rest.
From 2008-1014 Stratford |
We wandered the shopping district and wondered at the crowds. After we walked a bit further we found that they were having some sort of marathon run through City Center. We passed quickly through the crowds and further into the shopping district where we found that Edinbourogh Woolen Mill was having a sale. Janna, with prodding by her husband, selected something really nice to wear for work. I eyeballed a few sweaters and such but decided to take a pass on them .. for now.
As we wandered back to where the vehicle was parked we went past the main Theatre which is currently under remodel. As we looked at the pictures of the way the theater is to look when it is complete, we decided that we all wanted to be one of the faces sitting in the new theater in the future.
From 2008-1014 Stratford |
From 2008-1014 Stratford |
Which of course we didn't have anything so he left rather perturbed.
From 2008-1014 Stratford |
Although we could have easily spent the day just appreciating the beauty of Stratford we had much more to do and see today so we headed back to the hotel and checked out and hit the road headed for Wales and more specifically Hay-on-Wye.
Once again David had timed it so that we only had a couple of hours to shop before the stores closed which was probably easier on all of our pocketbooks. Michka was on a mission for books and Janna and I headed to antique stores looking for Willow-ware. I want to thank Janna for teaching me about the differences in pattern and style and a variety of other aspects that I previously was completely unaware of in regard for Willow-ware. Armed with a better understanding of what we were looking for, Janna and I were able to look relatively quickly through the shops to maximize our time. I'll admit that I know Michka found books but I don't know if he considered his portion of the trip a true success . . however I do know that Janna found a couple of really unique pieces of the willow-ware and seemed satisfied with her purchases. Now there was the debate of whether to carry them home on the plane or ship them back. For the record, they opted for shipping which made things interesting as once piece was the largest platter I've ever seen but it all worked out well and good and the pieces arrived at their home shortly after their flight back all in tact.
The shops closing and our English Breakfast starting to wear thin, we opted for lunch at the Grainery Cafe. Now I say lunch, but it was actually closer to dinner, but the meal consisted of sandwiches and soups so it was more consistent with a luncheon fare. Stomachs once again full, we headed out of Hay-on-Wye toward Cardiff.
First stop in Cardiff was the Doctor Who exhibition . . which unfortunately had decided that week to be closed for renovation.
From 2008-1014 Cardiff |
The exhibition was dark which was extremely disappointing and the chant for the rest of the night became "We were screwed by Doctor Who".
From 2008-1014 Cardiff |
From 2008-1014 Cardiff |
From 2008-1014 Cardiff |
While the renovation occurred they placed a few Daleks out front to keep watch but amazingly enough they look much bigger on TV.
From 2008-1014 Cardiff |
We finished our time in Cardiff wandering the Torchwood site and the harbor area.
From 2008-1014 Cardiff |
Although there were several restaurants that beckoned us on the harbor we opted for fish and chips from Fairbanks here in Winterbourne. As we reflected on the day over our fish and chips several of us decided that ice cream sounded like a good way to finish the day and drown our disappointment in the lack of Doctor Who experienced in Cardiff.
David handed me the keys and Michka and Janna climbed into the truck with me to head for Morrisons near the mall. Typical of me, I missed my turn and quickly found myself lost. After attempting correction with BB we opted for calling David for directions. While David was attempting to figure out where we were from the description and provide detailed directions to get us back where we needed to be I suddenly recognised where we were and turned off into the Sainsbury (near David's work). We picked up the ice cream and Michka took a tour through the toy department, opting to pick up some Doctor Who toys and off we went back home.
I felt slightly disappointed as I realized that this was our last full day with Michka & Janna. But we still had things to do in the morning so off for rest.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Play is the Thing
This morning was the start for a full and exciting day and so we were up early and headed out.
First stop was the Games Workshop store in Nottingham. Once we were a bit down the road and doing inventory on the things we had for this day, we came to realize that David did not have his mobile phone and since he was to be within contact we needed to head back to Bristol to retrieve it. While this put us behind schedule it did allow us to check out the really cool oversized slug . . and photograph the heck out of it to show Mike.

Back on the road now, with B-Movie Game ideas floating through the truck in relation to the giant slug, we headed to Nottingham. This is GW Headquarters and the primary purpose was for David and Michka to order stuff for gaming. Janna and I wandered a bit and took in the sights of all the models painted and on display as well as the artwork they had around the place. Once the boys were done with their ordering and we needed to wait for some of the orders to get filled we headed upstairs to the display room where all the figures are stored. And many more pictures were taken of ideas and color paint schemes and more. As we wrapped up our tour, we noted it was lunch time and so we opted for lunch at Bugman's Bar.
With full stomachs and being almost back on schedule, we headed over to Kenilworth Castle. We wandered the site and I'll admit that I was as taken with watching our guest's reaction to Kenilworth as I am at being on the site again. I enjoyed showing them the Victorian Graphiti and watching the photographers at work on things like flowers growing out of the walls. We also stopped in and checked on the status of the gardens which are to be open in 2009. Alas, we didn't have too much time to spend here as we needed to get to Stratford.
Having seen Kenilworth until closing time we headed over to Stratford-Upon-Avon to seek out the Playhouse and pick up tickets. We were all very excited about seeing the Royal Shakespeare Company's production of Hamlet starring David Tennant and Patrick Stewart. When we found the playhouse there were many, many people waiting outside in the hopes that someone would cancel and they would be able to score some tickets. Janna picked our tickets up and we were on our way to find our hotel and get a quick change of clothes to be back in time for the production.
David had booked online with the Legacy Hotel which we knew nothing more about than what was on the website but it was close to the playhouse (walking distance as it turns out) and had a great rate. We were pleasently surprised at how updated it was inside while the outside and several other portions of the hotel retained their historical ambiance. All dressed up we headed to the Playhouse!
"The Play's the thing .. " Oh and was it ever!!!!! We all figured we would be impressed by David Tennant's performance but we were memorized by it. We were so into the play, that when David Tennant passed right by our seats for his scene of "returning to Denmark" and David having to move his foot so that Mr. Tennant could pass, all of us wondered "who let the person in with the backpack in the middle of the play". We were shocked that he had passed so closely without any of us the wiser until it was too late. During our discussion after the play, it was agreed that the gentleman playing Polonius did the best job that we'd ever seen with a completely different approach. And here I must thank Michka & Janna again and again for getting those tickets for us for our wedding! What an experience.
The play now over and all of us exuberent at having had the opportunity to view it, we wandered Stratford looking for dinner. We'd been behind schedule just enough to have skipped dinner before the play and now we were starving. Very little was open but we managed to find a Chinese Restaurant that was still offering dinner. After we were seated we noted we were not the only play-goers in the restaurant.
All in all a very full but WONDERFUL day.
First stop was the Games Workshop store in Nottingham. Once we were a bit down the road and doing inventory on the things we had for this day, we came to realize that David did not have his mobile phone and since he was to be within contact we needed to head back to Bristol to retrieve it. While this put us behind schedule it did allow us to check out the really cool oversized slug . . and photograph the heck out of it to show Mike.
Back on the road now, with B-Movie Game ideas floating through the truck in relation to the giant slug, we headed to Nottingham. This is GW Headquarters and the primary purpose was for David and Michka to order stuff for gaming. Janna and I wandered a bit and took in the sights of all the models painted and on display as well as the artwork they had around the place. Once the boys were done with their ordering and we needed to wait for some of the orders to get filled we headed upstairs to the display room where all the figures are stored. And many more pictures were taken of ideas and color paint schemes and more. As we wrapped up our tour, we noted it was lunch time and so we opted for lunch at Bugman's Bar.
From 2008-1013 Warhammer World |
From 2008-1013 Warhammer World |
With full stomachs and being almost back on schedule, we headed over to Kenilworth Castle. We wandered the site and I'll admit that I was as taken with watching our guest's reaction to Kenilworth as I am at being on the site again. I enjoyed showing them the Victorian Graphiti and watching the photographers at work on things like flowers growing out of the walls. We also stopped in and checked on the status of the gardens which are to be open in 2009. Alas, we didn't have too much time to spend here as we needed to get to Stratford.
From 2008-1013 Kenilworth |
Having seen Kenilworth until closing time we headed over to Stratford-Upon-Avon to seek out the Playhouse and pick up tickets. We were all very excited about seeing the Royal Shakespeare Company's production of Hamlet starring David Tennant and Patrick Stewart. When we found the playhouse there were many, many people waiting outside in the hopes that someone would cancel and they would be able to score some tickets. Janna picked our tickets up and we were on our way to find our hotel and get a quick change of clothes to be back in time for the production.
David had booked online with the Legacy Hotel which we knew nothing more about than what was on the website but it was close to the playhouse (walking distance as it turns out) and had a great rate. We were pleasently surprised at how updated it was inside while the outside and several other portions of the hotel retained their historical ambiance. All dressed up we headed to the Playhouse!
"The Play's the thing .. " Oh and was it ever!!!!! We all figured we would be impressed by David Tennant's performance but we were memorized by it. We were so into the play, that when David Tennant passed right by our seats for his scene of "returning to Denmark" and David having to move his foot so that Mr. Tennant could pass, all of us wondered "who let the person in with the backpack in the middle of the play". We were shocked that he had passed so closely without any of us the wiser until it was too late. During our discussion after the play, it was agreed that the gentleman playing Polonius did the best job that we'd ever seen with a completely different approach. And here I must thank Michka & Janna again and again for getting those tickets for us for our wedding! What an experience.
The play now over and all of us exuberent at having had the opportunity to view it, we wandered Stratford looking for dinner. We'd been behind schedule just enough to have skipped dinner before the play and now we were starving. Very little was open but we managed to find a Chinese Restaurant that was still offering dinner. After we were seated we noted we were not the only play-goers in the restaurant.
All in all a very full but WONDERFUL day.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Local Sites
Our Guests' first full day in England without the need to go to an SCA event, so what should we do? Well since we figured we were all exhausted from the previous day's activities and our Guests still neeeded time to recover from their travels, we slept in a bit. Grabbed a bit of cereal for breakfast and then headed out leisurely for Avebury.
Before actually getting to the stone circle we stopped by the West Kennet Long Barrow. This is a neolithic burial mound.
We'd opted for a beautiful day for this trip and spent a little extra time soaking up the sun and the view from the Barrow before moving over to the Stone Circle.
As always, Avebury impressed.
Since this was the first time David and I visited when it wasn't raining or drizzling we felt free to explore a little further than the previous routes we had taken. David lead us off by doing his Rocky Balboa impression once he'd reached the top of one of the mounds which surrounds the site.
After which we walked the path that surrounds the circle.
Peace and contentment at the view to be seen seemed to be the order of the day.
Having enjoyed our tour of Avebury we headed toward the Cherhill White Horse for a quick peak of the chalk horse in the daylight.
A very good day all in all.
Before actually getting to the stone circle we stopped by the West Kennet Long Barrow. This is a neolithic burial mound.
From 2008-1012 Avebury |
From 2008-1012 Avebury |
We'd opted for a beautiful day for this trip and spent a little extra time soaking up the sun and the view from the Barrow before moving over to the Stone Circle.
As always, Avebury impressed.
From 2008-1012 Avebury |
From 2008-1012 Avebury |
From 2008-1012 Avebury |
Since this was the first time David and I visited when it wasn't raining or drizzling we felt free to explore a little further than the previous routes we had taken. David lead us off by doing his Rocky Balboa impression once he'd reached the top of one of the mounds which surrounds the site.
From 2008-1012 Avebury |
After which we walked the path that surrounds the circle.
From 2008-1012 Avebury |
Peace and contentment at the view to be seen seemed to be the order of the day.
From 2008-1012 Avebury |
From 2008-1012 Avebury |
Having enjoyed our tour of Avebury we headed toward the Cherhill White Horse for a quick peak of the chalk horse in the daylight.
From 2008-1012 Avebury |
A very good day all in all.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Viceroy Tournament
In the morning we all arose for the day ahead. Michka & Janna had gotten some new garb for their journey and it looked really good. I unfortunately did not get my garb finished, but alas I had other things to wear so we were all in good shape. Before dressing in garb, we opted to get breakfast first so that we would minimize the amount we scared the "mundanes".
We dropped over to the services and got Breakfast Baps in true English style. With stomachs full, water purchased for the day and our selection of caffeine having been made, we headed back to the hotel to get changed into garb and checked out. I wish I could have bottled Michka's energy to pull on for the rest of the day, I think he had more than enough energy to keep all 4 of us going as well as a small army. I found our guests' enthusiasm contageous.
We arrived at the event site and got squared away. David got dressed in his armor and we got things carted out to the field. We opted to leave most things in the vehicle secured and get things out as we needed them since we really didn't have a place to store anything, having not stayed on site. Once the tournament was ready to start I had found out that I would be sitting up front for the entire tournament which meant that I wouldn't be able to take video or pictures as I had planned. Michka & Janna came to the rescue and took the footage and photos for us. Their professionalism radiated throught the shots they took and we are most grateful that they were willing to spend their time "working". You can see the photos and video by going to our personal website, Viceroy Tournament.
With a quick pick up and change, we headed up for court. David and I were asked to sit head table and we were honored at the request but didnt' want to leave our guests. Michka & Janna were wonderful and said that we should sit head table and they would be just fine . . matter of fact, Janna had already volunteered to serve feast so she was already "spoken for". Janna had another change of clothes up her sleeve and she looked wonderful for evening feast.
As we left the feast hall with tummys full of all sorts of wonderful dishes and heads full of all sorts of wonderful memories we felt exhausted but it was a good type of exhaustion. With that, we headed home to get our rest for the full day planned tomorrow.
We dropped over to the services and got Breakfast Baps in true English style. With stomachs full, water purchased for the day and our selection of caffeine having been made, we headed back to the hotel to get changed into garb and checked out. I wish I could have bottled Michka's energy to pull on for the rest of the day, I think he had more than enough energy to keep all 4 of us going as well as a small army. I found our guests' enthusiasm contageous.
We arrived at the event site and got squared away. David got dressed in his armor and we got things carted out to the field. We opted to leave most things in the vehicle secured and get things out as we needed them since we really didn't have a place to store anything, having not stayed on site. Once the tournament was ready to start I had found out that I would be sitting up front for the entire tournament which meant that I wouldn't be able to take video or pictures as I had planned. Michka & Janna came to the rescue and took the footage and photos for us. Their professionalism radiated throught the shots they took and we are most grateful that they were willing to spend their time "working". You can see the photos and video by going to our personal website, Viceroy Tournament.
While David fought hard and made it to the finals, the day was not his in the end and Clancy won the list.
While David headed off for a meeting; Michka, Janna and myself grabbed a quick bite to eat and I got changed so we could enjoy some Fencing. The fencers on site were a few but dedicated bunch and we enjoyed our time thoroughly. Both Michka & Janna had improved since the last time I fenced against them and I was enjoying fencing with all participants. The ground was slightly uneven and soft in places which we were all dealing with but I think I was the only one to completely loose my footing and make a fool of myself. Ah well, I didn't get hurt and no one else did too so it's all good. I was told afterward that everyone watching just thought it was a dramatic death on my part.

While David headed off for a meeting; Michka, Janna and myself grabbed a quick bite to eat and I got changed so we could enjoy some Fencing. The fencers on site were a few but dedicated bunch and we enjoyed our time thoroughly. Both Michka & Janna had improved since the last time I fenced against them and I was enjoying fencing with all participants. The ground was slightly uneven and soft in places which we were all dealing with but I think I was the only one to completely loose my footing and make a fool of myself. Ah well, I didn't get hurt and no one else did too so it's all good. I was told afterward that everyone watching just thought it was a dramatic death on my part.
With a quick pick up and change, we headed up for court. David and I were asked to sit head table and we were honored at the request but didnt' want to leave our guests. Michka & Janna were wonderful and said that we should sit head table and they would be just fine . . matter of fact, Janna had already volunteered to serve feast so she was already "spoken for". Janna had another change of clothes up her sleeve and she looked wonderful for evening feast.
As we left the feast hall with tummys full of all sorts of wonderful dishes and heads full of all sorts of wonderful memories we felt exhausted but it was a good type of exhaustion. With that, we headed home to get our rest for the full day planned tomorrow.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Guest Arrival
Michka & Janna were next to visit. They had prepared their time well and were actually splitting their time spent in England between ourselves, Michka's good friend Josh and doing some of their own site-seeing. But we felt lucky because they had opted to spend the first part of their trip with us. They had opted to fly into London Heathrow Airport and take the train out to Bristol Parkway. Upon their arrival there they tried phoning but due to a small glitch, just got voicemail. Luckily, David had opted to check in at the train station to see if they'd made it there right after he got off work, and ta-da, there they were.
I was working feverishly on some new garb for the weekend and Michka & Janna took the opportunity to just clear their minds since they'd been traveling overnight and were exhausted. Before long, the sewing machine work was done on the garb and we were all very hungry so we visited one of David & my favorite pubs - The Fox in Yate. Our guests seemed to enjoy their evening fare and we all indulged in a little bit of some of the dessert menu - Yummy!
Then we were off. All of us needed to stop by the ATM to get some money for our travels and so we wandered our way past an ATM on our way to the Day's Inn which was lodging us for the night. Tomorrow we were headed to the SCA Viceroy Tournament and David was competing.
I was working feverishly on some new garb for the weekend and Michka & Janna took the opportunity to just clear their minds since they'd been traveling overnight and were exhausted. Before long, the sewing machine work was done on the garb and we were all very hungry so we visited one of David & my favorite pubs - The Fox in Yate. Our guests seemed to enjoy their evening fare and we all indulged in a little bit of some of the dessert menu - Yummy!
Then we were off. All of us needed to stop by the ATM to get some money for our travels and so we wandered our way past an ATM on our way to the Day's Inn which was lodging us for the night. Tomorrow we were headed to the SCA Viceroy Tournament and David was competing.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Very Behind
Okay, so as I go to put new pictures and posts up I note that I've gotten REALLY behind in the month of October. Needless to say that in an effort to catch up, I'm going to do the most recent stuff now and post the older stuff later. Sorry for those who have been waiting for all the older stuff . . I really am . . but I'll get to it (perhaps in the month of December when life should settle down for a little bit).
Thanks for your understanding and for continuing to read.
Thanks for your understanding and for continuing to read.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Wonderful Surprise
Today is David and my first anniversary (or at least the one that we agreed ahead of time that we would celebrate). It's hard to believe that it's been one full year since we had the big wedding and started living together as a married couple. The time has gone by so quickly and has been filled with so many adventures and new experiences. It's all be quite wonderful.
David, being extraordinarily wonderful, bought me the most beautiful bouquet of
flowers for our anniversary and brought them home at lunch time. He snuck into the house and placed them in the kitchen and then after he'd been home a bit, asked me to get him a bottle of water. I was so very surprised to see the beautiful flowers sitting and waiting for me. He was so happy with himself that he'd been able to surprise me.
While I can't capture the wonderful floral smell that currently exists in our kitchen, I thought I would (at least) share the color and beauty. I placed the arrangement in one of the vases given to us for a wedding gift. While this isn't the first time it's held flowers, as I had cut some from the rose bushes earlier in the year, it is the first time that it's held a full bouquet! I'm hoping that these lovelies will last at least a week, but I know their memory will last with me longer.
I am so very lucky to have David as my husband!
David, being extraordinarily wonderful, bought me the most beautiful bouquet of
While I can't capture the wonderful floral smell that currently exists in our kitchen, I thought I would (at least) share the color and beauty. I placed the arrangement in one of the vases given to us for a wedding gift. While this isn't the first time it's held flowers, as I had cut some from the rose bushes earlier in the year, it is the first time that it's held a full bouquet! I'm hoping that these lovelies will last at least a week, but I know their memory will last with me longer.
I am so very lucky to have David as my husband!
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