Sunday, June 7, 2009

The pools are the best.

From the SCA site, Nik drove us back south to shop. Along the way, David hopped out at several stops to recollect the Klakavirki ribbons tied to sign posts to lead people to the site like breadcrumbs. We stopped at the mini-mart at Reykjahlid to gather beverages when the hot dogs and hamburgers they offered looked good and we decided we were starving. It was a pleasant day with a decent wind and so most of us sat at a nearby picnic bench to eat our meal . . Cedric on the other hand was avoiding "the wings and the fangs and the eating of the eyeballs" at all costs and so he opted for sitting in the yetti. Satisfied, we all piled into the yetti and started the drive to our next stop - the pools. But alas, I realized that to avoid the little midges getting behind my glasses I'd taken them off and set them down . . but didn't retrieve them before we headed out. Bless Nik, she turned around and we went back for them.

Setting off. . yet again . . we went to the pool at Jardbodin at Myvatn. The pools are the oddest sensation (for those who've not experienced them). The water is milky blue/green with minerals and all the water, heated as it was, comes from a natural spring, already that lovely temperature. The trip from the shower/locker room to the pools was interestingly cold but once in the water it was LOVELY.
From Iceland Tourism

We lounged in the pools for 2-1/2 hours before we realized, not only were we pruned but it was getting late (although we didn't realize that part from the sun's location).
From Iceland Tourism

We travelled west along Route 1 over Vikurskard and saw a mist that seemed to envelope the landscape. It was eerily awesome to see and drive through, although I was glad that I was not the one driving as I'm sure from the driver's perspective it wasn't fun at all.

When we got back to Leirunesti we realized we were hungry again and so we stopped for more burgers and pylsur (hot dogs). After a much distracted journey we were back at Nik's house in Skogarsez.

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