Sunday, December 28, 2008
Some catching up
Kenilwoth - Yes again!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Cookies so far

From top to bottom:
- Brownie Crackles
- Peanut Butter & Jelly Cookies (made with my Dad's Homemade Wild Grape Jelly)
- Chocolate Chunk
Christmas Prep
We had to have some plaster and painting work done here at the house and they were relatively quick bout it (only a little over 1 week) but it's been frustrating especially since 'Tis the Season and I'm ready to work on Christmas Decorations and more importantly Christmas Cookies!
The painter has been here the past 2 days working in both the Living Room and the Kitchen and I've done my darnedest to stay out of his way because I would be the one who would accidentally brush against the wet paint and make him therefore have to redo it, thereby taking more time. I'm a klutz that way. So yesterday in my effort to stay out of the way and still do something Christmas oriented I worked on Christmas Cards. They are all prepped, addressed, with their Christmas letter included and signed by me waiting neatly for my husband's signature so they can be sent on Friday.
But that left me with, what to do for today while the Painter is here and I found some SCA notices to work on to keep me busy. But, I'm thrilled to report that the painter has departed with the caveat that the paint won't be dry until this evening. Since he only painted the ceiling in the kitchen, that means I can start working in there on getting things back to normal and start the baking process! Yum - Christmas Cookies!!!! And with it only being 10 AM here, there is a chance that I can have some done before David gets home for lunch which means that he can potentially take some back to work thus alleviating us from eating them all ourselves. I do so love this time of year!
Although there is one downer to the Christmas Cookie scenario . . as so aptly put by a friend of mine in the SCA last night, I need a Cookie Baking Buddy! For those who are not familiar with this tradition of mine, let me explain. It all started several years ago when my Stepmom wanted to find something for the two of us to do together and so we picked a Saturday and baked a variety of different cookies all day and then split them up after the day was through to take to parties or give away as gifts. The tradition continued for a few years even after she was no longer my Stepmom, but just my friend. However, as life always does, the tradition was disrupted and we just weren't able to find a time that the two of us could agree upon anymore. On to phase 2 of the tradition . . I looked to my cousins and asked them if they wanted to participate on a Cookie Baking Day and so we did that for a couple of years with much entertainment. But alas, time grew short for everyone again. So on to phase 3, where I turned to friends which expanded to the SCA friends and we did that for the past couple of years. But now I've moved away and so I find myself in need of a Phase 4 of Cookie Baking tradition . .finding a new Cookie Buddy. Although I'm proud to announce that Phase 3 still get together (as they did this year) and enjoy their time doing the same Cookie Baking Tradition.
But enough rambling for this post. I've got cookies to bake!!! Here's wishing you all merry holiday traditions and preparations.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Back home, but first . . .
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
Did you know that there is a whole tour developed around seeing the statuary along Madrid's skyline?
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
When we reached the Palace there was quite a queue and so we opted to not go in . . since we would have never made it through in time.
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
We took some pictures of the outside and then of the nearby park. As we decided to start walking back toward the hotel David noted people leaning over a railing and so curiosity took the best of us and we had a look. Ah, the queue wasn't for getting into the Palace, per se it was for seeing the various units in dress parade.
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
And they did more than just parade into the grounds. They also did a display of sorts. Although I couldn't get pictures of the best of the action because of the crush of people trying to see through the gate (Palace is closed during these festivities unless you are a VIP), I was able to get some really nice photos here and there.
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
After the fervor died down, we headed over to the Cathedral to see how Spanish Cathedrals differed from English Cathedrals. Well, they still have the overly large door.
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
But inside we were thrilled to see the beauty.
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
Reluctantly we agreed that it was time to head back toward the hotel and see about getting a quick bite before our shuttle to the airport. So we headed to Burger King (BK) where David could enjoy the pleasure of ordering by number.
We arrived back at the hotel with plenty of time before the shuttle and so we just chilled in the lobby (after picking up our bags). Traffic evidently had become difficult and so the shuttle was delayed. . .and then cancelled . . but the hotel staff once again came to the rescue and ordered us up a taxi to make sure we got to the airport on time.
If you are interested in seeing all the pictures I took in Madrid, use the following slideshow.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The full day in Madrid
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
Having wandered quite a bit up and down the main strip I decided it was definitely time for lunch and so I headed back to the hotel briefly before heading over to the KFC. Once again, brilliant, the Chicken Burger was written in English and if that failed I could remember that I wanted "Numero Uno". Problemo . . she started asking me questions. Thankfully she was patient with me and we used a little bit of hand gestures to get the "tostatos" or potatoes and the size of the drink figured out and I sat down to a tasty lunch. Unfortunately the KFC in Spain doesn't offer biscuits either . . what a shame. After lunch I headed back to the hotel for a rest and to await David's return from his meeting.
Once David returned, he rested a bit and then we headed out to see what else we could see. As we came upon a TGI Friday's we decided we were hungry enough for an appetiser and so in we went.
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
Once inside, however we decided we were hungry enough to eat dinner and so David partook of the steak and I partook of the chicken and steak fajitas. Hunger satisfied we headed out again to see what we could see.
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
The Christmas lights were once again illuminated which made the place even more magical. Despite the hustle and bustle of the city, they have lots of parks with fountains and/or statuary which provide these bits of calm.
As we walked we ran across a "Taste of Home" in that there was a restaurant called The Iowa claiming to sell Iowan dishes. I'll admit the menu did not look appetising in the least but we found the concept comical.
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
We wandered as far as the Palace to check on the opening times for the gate so that we could come back Wednesday before our flight.
Monday, December 1, 2008
2 Days in Madrid, Spain
So we rose early and the three of us piled in the car to head to the airport. Mom was going to catch her morning flight back to the US and David and I were going to stick around until our flight to Spain in the afternoon. The time passed quickly and before we knew it it was time to board and a short time later we were landed in Madrid.
First of all, yeah for a European Country that drive on the right side of the road with their drivers on the left side of the car (as we do in America). It was slightly comforting. However, only slightly as I noted the cab driver (and all the drivers around him) press what I would consider the limits for tailgating and pushing yourself in to merge. The lightening reflexes of all the drivers amazed me!
Second . . what a spectacularly diverse city. We saw some buildings with "old world feel" and some modern skyscrapers. And the city seemed to stretch for such a long way. This photo was taken from the Copula of our Hotel and as you can see the city stretches for MILES.
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
Third, the Hotel Atlantico was fantastic. It is in the center of Downtown and so you are quick walking distance to just about any shopping or walking about you may want to do. Which worked out well especially for me since I was going to be doing some walking about while David was at work. The rooms were fabulous as well.
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
And the staff was great!
Now, on the downside . . . My Spanish is TERRIBLE. I took Spanish in the 9th grade and really wanted to take French, which I took the two following years, and so I don't remember one lick of Spanish. Thankfully, there were the local KFC and BK where I could order by number and pointing at the picture. I did make an attempt while I was there to listen around me and see if I could pick up or remember ANYTHING of my Spanish and had very little luck. I wonder, does English sound that fast to people who can't speak it, I suppose so. The Spanish I heard was beautiful though and I found myself regretting not having paid more attention to my lessons in High School, not just from a communication standpoint but from an enjoyment of the language standpoint.
So anyway, that first night we headed up to the hotel bar to meet some of David's co-workers and have dinner. I was amazed to discover, that Madrid doesn't really come alive at night until 8 pm. Matter of fact, most restaurants don't open before then either. So we hung around for a bit until it was time to start walking to the restaurant. We followed Collen blindly (since he was the only one who knew where this place was) and enjoyed seeing the Christmas Decorations of Downtown Madrid. We arrived at La Casa Argentina (I hope that is correct) for a fabulous meal. I opted for the goat's cheese ravioli which was superb. After dinner we parted ways so that David and I could take in some more architecture (and take some pictures).
From 2008-1201 Madrid Spain |
Spectacular and tomorrow I would have most of the day and some sunlight to see more.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Kenilworth - Yes, Again!
As you can see, the skies were overcast and gray and although it wasn't raining it sure was windy and cold! With all the open ground to be covered, the weather wasn't helping.
Despite the cold, my mom humored me by posing by the Norman Keep portion of the Castle.
We checked through the Keep fairly quickly and decided to get in on the last of the tour time for the Gatehouse. Which gave us a bit to get warmed back up before we headed back out into the cold wind.
We checked back in on the gardens and I must say they are coming along nicely. I'm looking forward to 2009 when the Aviary is filled and the plants all begin to bloom. By that time, the fountain is also said to be in place. Wonderful!
With the cold, Mom and David headed for the cafe while I tried for some more photos since this was the first time I'd returned to Kenilworth with the new camera.
The cafe was unfortunately closed for the day so there would be no hot cocoa to warm our bones. But the shop was still open and there was still shopping to be done so back we headed where I found a new book on Dudley & Elizabeth to read and Mom found some additional Christmas Presents.
Kenilworth never ceases to amaze me.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Worcester - Tis the Season
The Cloisters were teaming with people out to see the Christmas Booths and we quickly decided that a separate trip for pure photography would be necessary at some later date. As we lightly browsed the booths, after all they were there, Mom tried on a hat which I thought looked like her but she didn't agree.
While we probably would have been interested in the shopping, we found all the press of people too much and so we didn't look too much beyond the hat booth. However the Cloisters were amazing. The windows were intact (or had been replaced) and featured stained glass at the top of each arch that depicted historical figures of England through the Centuries since the church was founded.
Yep, you read correctly . . it says "Christian Worship offered on this site since the 7th Century". Amazing!!!
Now, I must admit . . up until this point I had counted Wells Cathedral with its lovely white scissor arches as the most beautiful Cathedral in England. Worcester corrected that oversight. The sheer size alone was breathtaking. But as we wandered around we found things at every turn that just overwhelmed us. The organ alone seemed to dwarf the previous ones seen.
There was so much that I had to slow down and just take things in stride, meanwhile my husband was walking ahead and finding things hither and yon that he couldn't wait for me to see and/or photograph. After a short amount of time I know I saw one of his synapses blow a fuse and he admitted he was overwhelmed by the beauty of this place of worship.
The ceiling was also one of the most varied and beautifully painted that I've seen.
I must admit that it is not easy to pick favorites of this Cathedral and the pictures that I took that day . . so I'll leave that to you if you would like to undertake the viewing at the following slideshow.
Once we had been through the Cathedral at least once we decided it was time to head back and get a bite to eat. So in the bitter weather, we sat in the car and ate our picnic lunch with passers-by hoping that we were leaving our parking spot only to be sadly disappointed.
Chilled but our hunger satisfied, we headed into the Worcester mall like area for shopping. First stop was Worcester Porcelain! And then we took the time to wander through the other shops. Mom found some Christmas presents and David and I found some odds and ends.
Then back home we headed, feeling really good about what we'd seen and accomplished.
Friday, November 28, 2008
How to spend the day in Bath
So David dropped us off at McDonald's at 7 AM on this cold, dark and foggy morning, so he could make it to his meeting on time. Mom and I settled in with breakfast in some comfy chairs in towards the back and prepared ourselves to wait until the 9 AM opening time for Bath Abbey. For those of you who've read the blog all the way along or visited the website, you know that I've been to Bath several times; but this was the first visit I was going to make to Bath Abbey and I was excited about that.
Mom and I watched one of the street fruit markets completely set up and start selling. They were offering all kinds of bargains including pineapples for £1. The passers-by on their way to work seemed to agree with the prices as they were off to a good start to their morning by the time we headed off for our short walk to Bath Abbey.
From 2008-1128 Bath Abbey |
The walk was shorter than anticipated and so we had a bit of time to wait before the Abbey opened up. We entertained ourselves by getting some pictures of the exterior before the chilly weather helped us decide that we should maybe do some shopping in the nearby National Trust shop that had just unlocked their doors for the morning. We did some brief shopping among their varied items and Mom purchased a guidebook for Bath when we figured the Church would be open and we could venture in.
Our first impression of the Abbey didn't disappoint
From 2008-1128 Bath Abbey |
And as luck would have it there were plenty of volunteers who were preparing the Abbey for Christmas festivities. The place was bustling and not just with tourists. As we wandered through, we noted that the volunteers were putting up so many shelves that would hold candles and I found myself getting the chills thinking of the beauty of this place when lit by Candlelight for a Christmas Eve's service singing Silent Night. Although I'm not sure if their traditions are the same as ours, it's funny how you put your own viewpoint on things isn't it?
Anyway, we were so very impressed with the entire structure and it's care and upkeep. Up until Bath Abbey I had thought Wells to be the most beautiful that I'd been in, but Bath Abbey came a close second. I think it missed the mark just simply because it isn't as big as Wells, but it certainly had less commercialism and felt more like a church. Although it still held a lot of it's historical feel it had added some modern amenities.
Yep, you guessed correct, those are video screens and speakers you can see along the pillars so that those in the side galleries can see just as well as those directly in front of the altar.
If you are interested in seeing more of the beauty of Bath Abbey, watch the following slideshow.
After being amazed by Bath Abbey we headed to the Costa Coffee to have a quick seat and beverage before heading into the Roman Baths. Did I mention that it was cold today? Check out all the fog coming off that warm water.
From 2008-1128 Roman Baths |
Here is Mom enjoying the view over the largest of the Roman Baths
From 2008-1128 Roman Baths |
The complex is quite large and extensive and I was surprised to see that they were doing more work on it so some of the items in the Museum part had bee moved around while new ones were installed. I think it will be a fabulous addition to what is already present and it is good that they are changing things to keep people coming back for something new.
For all the pictures taken on this trip, watch the below slideshow
As we finished our tour we decided it was long past time for lunch. So we stopped at the Pasties shop and sat down to a traditional pastie just as David called us to let us know that he was going to be nearby to pick us up within the next 1/2 hour or so. The unfortunate thing about the pastie shop is that it's seating was outdoors . . and did I mention it was cold? We ate rather quickly and accessorized our pastie with a hot chocolate in the hopes of keeping warm.
As luck would have it, Bath was having their Christmas Fayre and so the streets were becoming quite busy as everyone set about their Christmas shopping. Additionally, we were able to watch some of the kids sing Christmas Hymns outside Bath Abbey for a brief time. Spectacular!!!
Just then we decided we needed to get out of the cold and we needed something sweet to top off our lunch so we wandered into Jim's Fudge Shop for the "Demonstrations" and "Free Samples" that had been advertised both with signs and verbal enticements. The personnel were very friendly and fun and before we left Mom ended up buying 4 different kinds of fudge. It was all very tasty and much enjoyed!!!! An instant sugar rush for each of us after our long day.
Because of the extra people and traffic caused by the Fayre, David had some difficulty getting into the arranged meeting place but he pulled it off and picked us up quite nicely and we headed off for home exhausted with all that we'd seen.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving for 3 please
This year we were excited to hear that Mom was going to join us for the holiday of binge-eating. Off to the store we went dutifully the week before Thanksgiving to gather all the wonderful things that we were going to enjoy on the Holiday. David had to work, of course, but that allowed Mom and I plenty of time to just enjoy preparing the turkey, stuffing and fixings as well as each other's company.
While I prepared the trimmings, Mom felt this urge to vacuum my house. Not that I minded one wit because I hate vacuuming but it sure did feel odd to have her working away while I cooked.
In the early afternoon, we had some down time and so I prepared us some English Breakfast Tea in the new Teapot and cups that Mom got me for an early Christmas present. I've found that I've really come to enjoy the English Breakfast Tea while I've been here and wanted to introduce her to it since she claimed she'd not had it previously. As we sat down to tea, I was giggling inside because it was like being a little girl with a little tea set and preparing tea for mommy . . but I was a "big girl" now and so this seemed somehow odd. Then again, this was the first time that I'd prepared tea for anyone else and it was the first time I'd used a true tea pot decorated with pretty flowers and such and everything being such fine and delicate pieces. The tea having been enjoyed, we parted to finish the last of the food preparation or desired cleaning.
When David came home from work we all sat down to enjoy a 9 lb Turkey with sausage stuffing, real-mashed potatoes (I so would have preferred boxed, but my husband and mother like the real ones, so there you go), buttermilk biscuits, and gravy while the apple pie baked away in the oven.
Later on in the evening, we all enjoyed warm apple pie with a scoop of ice-cream to complete our Holiday experience.
Everything tasted really good and there wasn't too terrible much left over, thankfully! All in all a very memorable and enjoyable Thanksgiving Holiday!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Only 29 days til Christmas
The Christmas Store is really cool for those who are into Christmas. They offer everything Christmas oriented that you can think of: Displays, stuffed pieces, wooden pieces, ornaments of varying origin and stylization, etc.
Now you would think this store would only be open nearing the Christmas season, but you would be surprised to find out that they are open year-round. They have so many neat things in there that you can look, go back 2 days later and find a whole pastille of things that you didn't see before. It's really something!!
Well, I'd taken Mom when she first got here but she wanted to think on some of the items she found inside and so today we returned to see what new caught her eye and what she saw before that didn't hold the same allure. I must say, the woman shops hard! After almost an hour she'd made her choices and checked out - twice.
Then we headed back to Bristol so that we could make the after-work-bowling party with David's office. This time, they lumped all the people who'd previously done well at the other parties together and we found that we were all off a little bit so we didn't do near as well as we would have liked. Ah well, it's a good thing we were just doing it for the fun of it instead of for a league or anything serious like. After bowling we all headed to Frankie & Benny's for some good food and some after-bowling chatting. A very good evening and most enjoyable!!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Mom and I are cooking the turkey dinner with stuffing while David heads to work. Thanksgiving isn't a holiday that he gets off work while working here in the UK so Mom and I will be very industrious while he's away. I'm looking forward to having Mom here for Thanksgiving as last year the 9 lb turkey was up to just David and I to eat . . this year there will be at least one other person to put a dent into the meal and lessen any leftovers. I hope you all have a good Thanksgiving!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Day of Adventure
First stop was Bristol Blue Glass where David left Mom and I to enjoy watching them blow glass.

Second stop was Cheddar Gorge. The goal here was to see how they make the cheese and then taste test and procure some to take home. First though, we needed to eat as it was 1 pm and long past lunch time. So we had a fabulous lunch at this lovely little pub at the Galleries Inn that had fabulous food for a fabulous price.
Last stop was Wells to see Wells Cathedral. David and I agreed that we would need to stop back at some point to see Bishop's Palace as it looks quite beautiful. However, we needed to get inside and see the Cathedral before things closed, so we headed that direction.
After Wells we enjoyed a nice meal at the City Arms in Wells. We each enjoyed one of the specials for the night and then topped it off with a dessert of our choice . . Yummy! All in all a very enjoyable day!
Monday, November 24, 2008
First stop was Evans which provided Mom the extra layers she needed. Now we could shop for the fun of it.
Mom was impressed with the Mall and the variety that it offered. We didn't have too long to shop and Mom found several things she wanted to think on so we are probably due to go back at some point before she departs.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Three Welsh Castles
White Castle has long been on the "must see" list for David and I and so we were pleased that Mom was willing to join us on this venture, especially since it is now considered "winter" here and so the site itself is no longer manned by CADW personnel so we weren't sure what we would find when we got up there. We saw a rainbow along the way and decided to take it as an omen of good luck.
The castle was everything it was advertised to be. This large inner and outer ward castle still offers a lot to be seen despite it's age of being built near 1100. The castle originally got it's name because the entire castle was built utilizing a white plaster or white-wash or something akin to it to coat it's walls. The color has faded to grey but still provides an impressive site to behold.
A sign nearby White Castle told us that the same person built a total of 3 castles in the nearby area and so we decided to look up the other 2 while we were nearby. Thus, we headed on to Skenfrith. Skenfrith was a much smaller castle being just an outer wall and then an inner tower. The outer wall itself has been breached at some point as has the tower. One of the 4 towers at the corners of the walls is completely missing so it took damage or fell into considerable disrepair along it's history. Since this was a free access site, we're not sure which happened at this point.
Last but not least we headed into Grosmont for their castle. You could see the luxury this castle would have provided versus the other two. This was more substantial than Skenfrith but much less in size compared to White. Additionally, this castle as well as Skenfrith did not provide the towering view we are used to seeing from a Castle location.
The three castles, it is my understanding, were built to defend England from the Welsh and fell into disrepair within a couple hundred years of their founding. White Castle saw some upkeep as it was a good defensive position with good views of the surrounding countryside. Grosmont was maintained as a fortified manor house even into the 1400's which is why it's beauty can still be seen. The three made for a good showing of what was available for castles in that time.
Since we were on toward Herefordshire, we opted to head into The Fox Inn to have dinner. Most enjoyable dinner!! And then we headed home. Tomorrow's agenda has us sticking closer to home.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thamesreach Revel
There was a nice gathering of participants for the Rapier portion of the training . . 5 in total plus David and I made 7. We worked on some of the basics to start with: Stance, Footwork, the Lunge, Hand positioning and then moved into a gaining the blade drill. We broke for Lunch and everyone scattered to find their food of choice. Thank you to Agatha and Ursula who took my Mom with them when they headed out to Lunch!!!
After Lunch we met back up and headed outside to do some slow work speeding up into free play. We all had the opportunity to fight one another working on the things from the morning and then just plain enjoying fencing other people.
The "visiting other parts of London" that I promised my Mom was out since we left around 5:30 pm. Sorry Mom! But a good time seemed to have been had by all participants.
We ended our day by eating at The Fox near the house . . always yummy!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Headed up to help out
The trip was going so well and we even had time to stop by a Services area so Mom could get that experience. For those who've not visited us, Services here in England are a brilliant concept. They offer: Petrol, snacks, small restaurant, small coffee shop, restrooms, etc. For those who have visited an Illinois Oasis you have a general idea what I'm talking about . . only Services are better!
Needless to say, things were going so well that there was bound to be difficulty . . so they shut down the A14/A11 due to an accident and they routed all traffic through Newmarket and 2 roundabouts. We sat over an hour in traffic and then escaped to try and find another way. By the time we reached the demo site there was a little more than 1 hour left of the demo. David helped out and Mom and I headed to the post office. All in all it was a good day.
After the demo was finished, we said our hellos and good-byes and headed to get checked in at the hotel. From the hotel we did some nearby shopping and then headed for dinner. We opted for the offered special Prime Rib dinner and it was fabulous!!
Tummies full and ourselves tired from the travel-gone-wrong and knowing that we needed to have another early morning tomorrow, we headed for bed.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What to do in the Cotswolds?
So today we had a couple of hours and an already necessary trip to the Fairford area in the Cotswolds so we decided to stop by Tetbury to Antique shop.
When we arrived, we were able to get parking in the public lot and so it wasn't far to walk to see the marketplace (which was having something akin to a boot sale at the time) and the main street which is lined with Antique shops.
From there, we decided it was lunch time and we stopped in to the Olmond which had a lovely atmosphere and one of the better tasting hamburgers I've had in a while.
We wandered into a couple of other shops along our way back to the carpark but eventually we decided it was time to head home and rest for a bit. Tonight we are preparing roast and veg which will take some extra cooking time, so we wanted to be sure to be home earlier rather than later.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tintern Abbey or bust
You have have noticed the pictures over the last couple of blogs have been better both in color and focus. That would be because David was a dear heart and got me a new camera for Christmas and gave it to me early so that I could enjoy taking most excellent photos while my Mom is visiting and we are seeing things. Yipppeeee. Although I think I will need a degree in the thing before I fully understand how it works and all of it's features, but I'm more than happy to learn along the way. The photo of Tintern to the right here is actually a panoramic which I took with the new camera . . if you look really closely you might be able to tell where the camera spliced 2 photos together to get the full image, but I'm pretty sure I didn't do half bad on lining it up.
Anyway . . Mom enjoyed Tintern as well and she was surprised at the scale and sheer size of the cathedral portion as well as the layout and land available for the complex itself. Tintern is still hauntingly beautiful and it is really such a shame that in the 16th Century they were so good at destroying these types of monasteries and churches. There is quite a bit of restoration work going on and so you can view the pieces laying about as they await to be reapplied to the structure.
First Stop, Raglan Castle
Raglan is beautiful, there is no doubt about it. Additionally, the cat was present to meet us on the front lawn so who could ask for a better welcome . . although I think he/she was a little confused that I didn't immediately start setting up canvas and bed for he/she to stay dry and comfortable.
We took our time touring the castle (after all there are so many little details to see) so that Mom could get a true feel for the place. I also showed her the very spot where David proposed to me Sept 9, 2006. Needless to say, he has the best ways of creating memories that last.
Surprisingly enough, the weather in Wales was cooperating and we saw sunshine and very little wind so we were not feeling too cold or damp as we toured this CADW site.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tour of the Countryside
Our first stop along the way was Malmesbury Abbey (pictured left). Although David and I have toured it previously, I wanted her to have a quick look. Since it is quite a walk up to the abbey itself form the parking lot, we just took our pictures from the lot. This saved us paying for parking as well.
As you can see, the fall colors are almost done, but they still added some color to the overall scenery. I'm sure the garden attached to the abbey would be beautiful this time of year but the cost is prohibitive so we've still not visited it either.
After our stop in Malmesbury, we visited Lechlade for the Christmas Store which Mom enjoyed very much and decided she would have to think on some of the items inside and then return to make her purchases. Yes, a shipped box home is already being planned. *smile*
We stopped at the Riverside Pub to have a tasty and scenic lunch and then we were on for our grocery shopping and the like.
So, as you may have guessed, most of the day consisted of driving. Hmmm . . who would have figured.