Saturday, March 26, 2011

Catching Up . . . Again!

I can’t believe that it has been so long since I’ve done any blogging. What a shame as I enjoy the opportunity to write and keeping this updated was on my list of New Years Resolutions (smile). Rest assured, that despite my lack of attention to getting things documented, we’ve kept very busy!

David took over as Seneschal for our local SCA group in July and I’ve been doing the Rapier Marshal for the group since February 2010. These keep us busy! Additionally, I served as autocrat for the 12th Night Event in January. It went well, but I would want to make a few small changes next time, but that is probably always the case. The group has a demo coming up for the local College in April and I’m looking forward to it and wondering if I’ll have anyone to help me with the rapier demo .,.. hope so! David is going to try to take the day off work for it which means they will have an armored combat marshal as well.

I’ve been volunteering a lot with the local Spouses’ Club and we’ve just recently held our annual charity auction. It went really well. We purchased a new software program this year to help us track everything and the program seems to work really well. It was a big change for some though because the program documents things at a deeper level than they had been before and sometimes it seemed ridiculously deep for most of us (me included), but it was all for valid reason and we learned some things a long the way so next year it will go even better!

This weekend we should be enjoying one of our favorite American Civil War events in the area, St. Catherine’s Military School, however we will need to temporarily vacate our home for a few days so they can fumigate for termites. The termites are not in the home but instead in the garage, however the two building share conduit and there is a chance for the gas to come into the home so we need to leave the home and bag everything up as if they were fumigating the home. Sigh! Since we can’t come back to the house for a few days (Sunday – Thursday) I’m wracking my brain trying to think of everything I might need across the next week.

As I’ve been busy with the auction (and then catching up on some much needed sleep and other tasks) we’ve not finished the paperwork to get our taxes in. David is getting anxious, and rightly so. As the place we’re staying in while the fumigate likely doesn’t have internet, I’m taking all the tax information with me so that I can get that done during the hours of “nothing better to do”. I know I should keep up with the paperwork throughout the year (deductions) but somehow I don’t get around to it for the last 8 months or so of the year so I always spend the month before we go to the tax accountant digging through receipts and entering them into the appropriate worksheets. Unfortunately, David cannot help me with this, much to his disappointment as he would love to do anything to make it go faster!

The day after the Auction we held the annual BBQ party for our American Civil War group here at the house. That was SO nice!!!! We have so much space here and rarely have the opportunity to entertain so it was wonderful to do that. David and I have been with this group for 1 year and so we were given CW ID tags – NICE! Due to one thing or another we’ve not had an opportunity to reenact with the group since July of last year and I’m glad they haven’t given up hope on us yet. We were so looking forward to this event this weekend since it is done primarily for the school and the kids all come out – it reminds us of the school talks which is where our focus is! I’m bound and determined that we WILL be going to Prado next weekend even if we can only go for a day because I’m missing my CW season! Although that brings with it another complication since Ashton, our cat, has diabetes and needs shots twice per day . .not sure how we can camp and still get her her medications unless we take her with us….hmmmm.

Well, thanks for reading my procrastination. Now I’d better get back to packing up and out. More later!

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