Several years ago I purchased and enjoyed thoroughly a shiny new Palm Pilot. I loved this little device! It synchronized with my Microsoft Outlook and kept me on track with my appointments and contacts. I said good-bye to written address books and embraced technology. I had several books on it to read when I got bored and it's best feature was that it allowed me to take notes and download them to my computer.
At the time that I had this handy little gadget I was a Project Assistant at a construction firm. My job oftentimes required me to attend meetings on site and take notes. I have ALWAYS been faster with a keyboard than with pen and paper and often lamented that it would be so much easier and faster if I could type the notes on site and then clean them up in the office rather than writing them on site and then typing them at the office. Palm was always good with the accessories and I didn't have my device long before they had a folding keyboard that worked with it. I can still remember the first meeting that I took this wonder out at and set it up. Everyone looked at me with amazement. I started out with two pieces of gadgetry that together weighed about 2 pounds but were compact and within seconds I had a full sized keyboard with the device plugged in and was ready to take minutes, word for word. It folded away just as easily and packed conveniently in my purse. I LOVED that device.
Palm moved forward with their technology and then they started falling behind. Blackberry and Windows phones came first and Palm struggled. My little device served me faithfully for 3 years or more before it started conflicting with the new computer software and finally age made it unuseable. I kept those pieces hoping that someday I would find some way to fix it or make it work as brilliantly as it did before.
Obviously I have kept up with technology and made use of laptops, smartphones and now tablets but I've always missed the portability and speed combination offered by my first Palm Pilot. So why am I taking this trip down memory lane, you ask? Because tonight for the first time since that Palm Pilot am I enjoying compact, light, portability.
Last year my husband was kind enough to purchase for me an Acer tablet which I have gotten much use out of. Said tablet came with bluetooth technology and a USB port and I've attempted use of both of those features to work with an actual keyboard. I have found some keyboards that work well, but they are not portable in that I cannot put them in my purse or bag. I attempted one of the flexible keyboards which was really cool and did prove portable but there was a significant delay from my typing to appearance of letters on the screen leading to a high error rate that had me irritated and thinking the on-screen keyboard was a better and faster option. Tonight I ran across ZAGG's Flex keyboard. This little bluetooth keyboard connected quickly with my tablet, is smaller than the tablet and weighs next to nothing. Additionally, it keeps up with my 70+WPM typing speed. I am loving this new portability enough that I may be able to finally part with my beloved Palm Pilot and accessories more than 10 years later.
Technology is a lovely thing and it always seems to be moving forward. But thinking back to that Palm Pilot I realize that while features have changed, portability may not have kept up. I don't know if you can purchase anything from Palm anymore, and perhaps 10 years from now we will be amazed by something else aside from our Android or Apple tablets or phones. But for now, we can enjoy technology and wonder in amazement what is around the corner for tomorrow.
What technology features have you enjoyed and feel that current technological advances have forgotten to include?
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