Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Exploration is the Name of the Game

We started our morning with an English Breakfast in the Falcon Hotel's restaurant. Our bodies fortified for the day ahead we decided to explore Stratford a bit before heading out. As we wandered away from the hotel we looked back, once more appreciating it's history.

From 2008-1014 Stratford

We wandered the shopping district and wondered at the crowds. After we walked a bit further we found that they were having some sort of marathon run through City Center. We passed quickly through the crowds and further into the shopping district where we found that Edinbourogh Woolen Mill was having a sale. Janna, with prodding by her husband, selected something really nice to wear for work. I eyeballed a few sweaters and such but decided to take a pass on them .. for now.

As we wandered back to where the vehicle was parked we went past the main Theatre which is currently under remodel. As we looked at the pictures of the way the theater is to look when it is complete, we decided that we all wanted to be one of the faces sitting in the new theater in the future.

From 2008-1014 Stratford
As we walked through the park we admired the Swan and he came right up to us as if to beg for something to eat.
From 2008-1014 Stratford

Which of course we didn't have anything so he left rather perturbed.
From 2008-1014 Stratford

Although we could have easily spent the day just appreciating the beauty of Stratford we had much more to do and see today so we headed back to the hotel and checked out and hit the road headed for Wales and more specifically Hay-on-Wye.

Once again David had timed it so that we only had a couple of hours to shop before the stores closed which was probably easier on all of our pocketbooks. Michka was on a mission for books and Janna and I headed to antique stores looking for Willow-ware. I want to thank Janna for teaching me about the differences in pattern and style and a variety of other aspects that I previously was completely unaware of in regard for Willow-ware. Armed with a better understanding of what we were looking for, Janna and I were able to look relatively quickly through the shops to maximize our time. I'll admit that I know Michka found books but I don't know if he considered his portion of the trip a true success . . however I do know that Janna found a couple of really unique pieces of the willow-ware and seemed satisfied with her purchases. Now there was the debate of whether to carry them home on the plane or ship them back. For the record, they opted for shipping which made things interesting as once piece was the largest platter I've ever seen but it all worked out well and good and the pieces arrived at their home shortly after their flight back all in tact.

The shops closing and our English Breakfast starting to wear thin, we opted for lunch at the Grainery Cafe. Now I say lunch, but it was actually closer to dinner, but the meal consisted of sandwiches and soups so it was more consistent with a luncheon fare. Stomachs once again full, we headed out of Hay-on-Wye toward Cardiff.

First stop in Cardiff was the Doctor Who exhibition . . which unfortunately had decided that week to be closed for renovation.
From 2008-1014 Cardiff

The exhibition was dark which was extremely disappointing and the chant for the rest of the night became "We were screwed by Doctor Who".

From 2008-1014 Cardiff
From 2008-1014 Cardiff
From 2008-1014 Cardiff

While the renovation occurred they placed a few Daleks out front to keep watch but amazingly enough they look much bigger on TV.

From 2008-1014 Cardiff

We finished our time in Cardiff wandering the Torchwood site and the harbor area.

From 2008-1014 Cardiff

Although there were several restaurants that beckoned us on the harbor we opted for fish and chips from Fairbanks here in Winterbourne. As we reflected on the day over our fish and chips several of us decided that ice cream sounded like a good way to finish the day and drown our disappointment in the lack of Doctor Who experienced in Cardiff.

David handed me the keys and Michka and Janna climbed into the truck with me to head for Morrisons near the mall. Typical of me, I missed my turn and quickly found myself lost. After attempting correction with BB we opted for calling David for directions. While David was attempting to figure out where we were from the description and provide detailed directions to get us back where we needed to be I suddenly recognised where we were and turned off into the Sainsbury (near David's work). We picked up the ice cream and Michka took a tour through the toy department, opting to pick up some Doctor Who toys and off we went back home.

I felt slightly disappointed as I realized that this was our last full day with Michka & Janna. But we still had things to do in the morning so off for rest.

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