Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving for 3 please

This year I was a bit excited to celebrate Thanksgiving. Although last year David and I enjoyed all the fixings for a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, there was only the 2 of us and so there were a LOT of leftovers. Needless to say, we got tired of leftover turkey and stuffing rather quickly, although previously I had thought that impossible.

This year we were excited to hear that Mom was going to join us for the holiday of binge-eating. Off to the store we went dutifully the week before Thanksgiving to gather all the wonderful things that we were going to enjoy on the Holiday. David had to work, of course, but that allowed Mom and I plenty of time to just enjoy preparing the turkey, stuffing and fixings as well as each other's company.

While I prepared the trimmings, Mom felt this urge to vacuum my house. Not that I minded one wit because I hate vacuuming but it sure did feel odd to have her working away while I cooked.

In the early afternoon, we had some down time and so I prepared us some English Breakfast Tea in the new Teapot and cups that Mom got me for an early Christmas present. I've found that I've really come to enjoy the English Breakfast Tea while I've been here and wanted to introduce her to it since she claimed she'd not had it previously. As we sat down to tea, I was giggling inside because it was like being a little girl with a little tea set and preparing tea for mommy . . but I was a "big girl" now and so this seemed somehow odd. Then again, this was the first time that I'd prepared tea for anyone else and it was the first time I'd used a true tea pot decorated with pretty flowers and such and everything being such fine and delicate pieces. The tea having been enjoyed, we parted to finish the last of the food preparation or desired cleaning.

When David came home from work we all sat down to enjoy a 9 lb Turkey with sausage stuffing, real-mashed potatoes (I so would have preferred boxed, but my husband and mother like the real ones, so there you go), buttermilk biscuits, and gravy while the apple pie baked away in the oven.

Later on in the evening, we all enjoyed warm apple pie with a scoop of ice-cream to complete our Holiday experience.

Everything tasted really good and there wasn't too terrible much left over, thankfully! All in all a very memorable and enjoyable Thanksgiving Holiday!!!

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