Monday, July 28, 2008

Hedgehogs in our Backyard . .oops, I mean Garden

I heard thunder, I was sure of it, but thunderstorms here are fairly rare and so I wandered to the kithen windows to look out and be sure. The skies were fairly gray to be sure and it was definately thunder. As I glanced across the backyard, er, I mean garden, what did my eyes see but a little prickly brown lump while I wondered what that was my eyes caught a smaller one moving further in the back.

I was amazed, they were hedgehogs. We actually had hedgehogs in our back garden. I stood just watching the one sleep while the other explored for the longest time before I remembered I had a camera in my phone (on my person) and so I snuck out to see how best to photograph them without disturbing them. I then sent a photo and text to David's phone to let him know of my discovery.

Hmm, they were so oblivious to my presence that I decided to go and fetch my camera and hope they were still there when I returned. By gosh, they were!!

The bigger of the two still hadn't moved and appeared to be sleeping soundly.

The smaller of the two had wandered all the way across the garden and was now exploring the new treeline along the fence.

They were both so cute. I can't believe that they were both still oblivious to my presence as I photographed them. The phone rang and it was David checking in on our newfound inhabitants about the time that the rain started. The heavy raindrops woke the bigger one and he started waddling toward the cover of the back trees. The smaller was still exploring while I talked to David indoors. Once the rain remained somewhat constant, the smaller one also decied to take cover and I lost track of him in the mulch and tree branches.

What a wonderful experience!

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